Sirvoy takes care to only keep needed data and safely delete the rest. This makes the system efficient, ensures your guest’s information is protected, and complies with data protection laws, such as the European GDPR.

Data We Delete and When:

  • Text message (SMS) content: Deleted 12 months after check-out, but the booking log saves the phone number and send date.
  • Email content: Deleted 12 months after check-out, but the booking log saves the email address and send date. 
  • Booking file uploads: Deleted 12 months after check-out, but the booking log retains the file name.
  • Booking alerts: Deleted six months after becoming inactive.
  • Expired settings: Deleted 18 months after their end date. Includes check-in, check-out, stay, and bookable days restrictions, room/extras blocks, seasonal prices, temporary price changes, discounts for longer stays, and coupons.
  • “Rates” history: Deleted after 18 months.
  • Credit Card Information: Deleted from Sirvoy Vault 30 days post-checkout, complying with GDPR. If a card is added after checkout, it’s removed 30 days after the addition.