Under Statistics you find some very useful facts and figures that help you to evaluate the performance of your property and might show you areas where you can improve. Please note that the values serve to give you an overview of your performance, but they are not to be used for bookkeeping purposes.

Below you find an explanation for each operating figure.

All the examples are based on the following situation:

All rooms are double rooms and were booked on Monday.
Room1 has a booking for 2 nights (Tuesday to Thursday) at a rate of $100/night.
Room2 has a booking for 2 nights (Wednesday to Friday) at a rate of $200/night.
Room3 is empty.

       Mo.   Tu.   We.   Th.   Fr.
Room1       $100  $100
Room2             $200  $200

Invoicing and Payments:
Room1: You issue an invoice for the whole stay on Tuesday. The guest pays 50% on Wednesday via bank transfer and the rest two weeks later.
Room2: The guest pays everything on check-in and you issue a cash receipt.

Note: All figures that have a relation to the number of rooms take into account the current number of rooms, even if past or future time periods are looked at.

Key Metrics

Note: Prices in this section include taxes.

Value: Total of all daily prices for the selected dates (including rooms, extras and surcharges). The daily prices for multi-night bookings are the average of all nights’ prices.

Example: For Wednesday it would be $300 (=$100 Room1 + $200 Room2).
For Tuesday and Wednesday it would be $400 ($100 Room1 + $100 Room1 + $200 Room2).

Note: Even when filtering for specific room types, “Extras” includes extras from ALL bookings in the selected timeframe.

Average Daily Rate: Revenue earned from rooms (without extras or surcharges) divided by the number of rooms sold (or “Total room nights” – see further down).

Example: For Wednesday it would be $150 (= $300/2 total nights).
For Tuesday and Wednesday it would be $133.3 (=$400/3 total nights (2 for Room1 and 1 for Room2)).

Revenue per Available Room: Revenue earned from rooms (without extras or surcharges) divided by available rooms (which is the number of rooms the hotel has multiplied by the number of days selected in the filter). Please note that blocked rooms and dummy rooms are still considered “available rooms“ for this value.

Example: For Wednesday it would be $100 (= $300 / 3 available rooms).
For Tuesday and Wednesday it would be $66.7 (= $400 / 6 available rooms).


Cash receipts: Amount of money for which you issued a cash receipt during the selected period.

Example: For Wednesday it would be $400 for Room2. For all other days it would be $0.

Invoices: Amount of money for which you issued an invoice during the selected period.

Example: For Tuesday it would be $200 for Room1. For all other days it would be 0$.

Invoice Payments: Sum of all payments that you registered during the selected period AND are linked to an invoice. It doesn’t matter when the invoice was issued.

Example: For Wednesday it would be $100 for Room1. For all other days it would be $0.


Sum of all payments that are registered during the selected period, displayed separately according to “Cash Receipts (Default)” and the following categories (which will only appear if a payment has actually been registered for that category):

  • Register (card/cash)
  • Bank transfer
  • Invoiced (external app)
  • Card
  • Cash
  • Gift card
  • Check
  • Custom Type

The sum of these categories (except “Cash Receipts [Default]) equals the value „Invoice Payments“ plus any registered payments not (yet) assigned to a specific invoice.

Example: For Wednesday “Cash Receipts (Default)” would be $400 (for Room2) and “Bank transfer” would be $100 (for Room1), everything else would be $0. For all other days everything would be $0.

Occupancy through the period

Usage: Percentage of booked room nights during the selected period in relation to all available room nights. Please note that blocked rooms and dummy rooms are still considered “available rooms” for this value.

Example: For Tuesday it would be 33% (= 1 room night booked / 3 room nights).
For Tuesday and Wednesday it would be 50% (= 3 room nights booked / 6 room nights)

Number of individual guests: Sum of all guests that checked in during the selected period.

Example: For Tuesday it would be 2. For Wednesday it would be 2. For other days it would be 0.

Total guest nights: Sum of guests per night that have checked in or stayed with you (summed up over several nights if so selected).

Example: For Tuesday it would be 2 (= two guests for one night in Room1). For Tuesday and Wednesday it would be 6 (= two guests for Tuesday + two times two guests for Wednesday)

Total room nights: Sum of rooms per night that have been used (summed up over several nights if so selected).

Example: For Tuesday it would be 1 (= Room1 for one night). For Tuesday and Wednesday it would be 3 (= Room1 for Tuesday + Room1 and Room2 for Wednesday).

Registered during the period

New bookings: Sum of all bookings registered during the selected period.

Example: For Monday it would be 2. For all other days it would be 0.

Booking source: Tells you the percentage of where the booking has come from, e.g. website, front desk, Expedia, etc.

Bookings made by: Tells you the percentage of who registered the booking, e.g. guests (online), user1, user2, etc.


You can display the “Total number of units” or the “Number of guests” for all, or specific, room types for the selected period.

Please note that when filtering on a specific room type, the graph will only display bookings made for that specific room type. This means that if the same room is also sold in other room types, those bookings will not be included. However, when filtering on a specific room type and using the inverted view, all bookings and blocked rooms will be taken into consideration, and the remaining availability for the specific room type will be displayed.


Tells you where your guests are from and for how long they have stayed during the selected period.