Note: The information in this article contains third party system descriptions that are subject to change without prior notice. Therefore, please be aware that some details may be outdated due to recent modifications made by the third party.

You can easily add the booking engine on your WIX site. Be aware that there are two different versions of the WIX website builder: WIX Editor and WIX ADI.

Follow these steps when logged in on WIX Editor

  1. In Sirvoy, go to Settings -> Booking engines.
  2. Click the three dots adjacent to a booking engine to be installed.
  3. Click “How to Install.”
  4. Copy the HTTPS code found under “Copy this code.”
  5. In the Wix Editor, go to Add Elements (+) -> Embed Code -> Embed HTML.
    Note: If the booking engine is not displayed, then paste the JavaScript code between <body>YOUR CODE</body> E.g. <body><script async data-form-id=”YOURENGINEID” src=””></script></body> and close the box for the page to update.
  6. In the box for “HTML Settings” that appears, paste the HTTPS code in the field under “Add your code here (HTTPS only).”
  7. Click “Apply.”

Follow these steps when logged in on WIX ADI

  1. Click Add on the top toolbar.
  2. Click Apps
  3. Select HTML Embed and click Add
  4. Select page and click Add to Page
  5. Click HTML Settings
  6. Paste your HTTPS code. (You find the Sirvoy booking engine code in Sirvoy here, under Settings -> Booking engines -> Install.)
  7. Adjust the width and height of the HTML window if needed, using the HTML Settings tools, and click Preview
  8. You should now see the booking engine on the page.

If the HTML widget isn’t working, there may be a problem with the code. You can check if the code is correct by using this site.

Alternatively, instead of embedding the booking engine, consider creating a “Book Now” button on WIX and linking it to your booking engine’s standalone booking page.

Find the URL for the standalone booking page:

  1. In Sirvoy, go to Settings -> Booking engines and click the 3 dots next to the booking engine you want.
  2. Click “How to Install.”
  3. Choose “Stand alone page with booking engine and contact details (URL)” or, if the website builder is active, select “Sirvoy Website Builder webpage with your booking engine (URL).”
  4. Find the code under “Copy this code.”


  • The only supported way to save card details with the WIX integration is with Sirvoy Vault.
  • The booking engine confirmation page is independent of the page where you have installed the engine.
  • Post-booking customized landing pages are not compatible with WIX integration.

Note: For an alternative to WIX, we recommend the Sirvoy Website Builder, included in Sirvoy Pro. The Sirvoy Website Builder supports all payment solutions available in Sirvoy.