This article will explain how to:

  • unlink a unit (room) from one or several room types.
  • move a unit to another room type.
  • permanently delete a unit.
  • permanently delete a room type.

Moving or Unlinking a Unit from a Room Type(s)

If your goal is to unlink a unit from one or several room types or simply to move a unit to another room type, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings -> Accommodations and click on the unit you wish to unlink or associate to a different room type.
  2. Click on “Edit” and using the toggle switch(es) select the room type(s) this unit should be unlinked from or associated with.

Deleting a Unit

If you want to permanently delete a unit (room), click on the unit as described above, then click on “Delete this unit”.

  1. If this unit has any upcoming booking(s), a warning message will ask you to move this booking to a different room before deleting it.
  2. Once you have moved the booking(s), a warning message will appear asking if you want to proceed with deleting this unit.

Deleting a Room Type

To permanently delete a room type, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings -> Accommodations to the room type you wish to delete.
  2. Since you will not be able to delete this room type without first deleting or moving the units associated with this room type, you will need to follow the above procedure.
  3. Once there are no more units associated with this room type, you can now click on the “Delete” button.
  4. A warning message will notify you that any “Duplicate Room Types” associated with this room type will also be deleted. Click “OK” if you wish to proceed.


  • Deletion of a unit or a room type is irreversible!
  • If the room type you are deleting has any duplicates attached to it, these will also be deleted at the same time.
  • Any room types connected to channels will be automatically removed from the mapping between Sirvoy and the channel. Please re-map your room types in Sirvoy and adjust your room types on the channel’s side as well.
  • Past bookings containing the deleted room type and/or unit will have the text “Unavailable or removed” instead of the old room type/unit name.
  • Deleting a unit (room) or a room type may affect the reports for Bookings, Statistics and Accounting.