You can create a monthly report to SCB (Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics) using the data available on the Statistics page.

To facilitate this, on the Statistics page of the Swedish version, you will find the possibility to generate an export file for SCB. Click on the button “Download SCB file” and fill in the fields shown.

In order to have a correct report generated for a specific month, please make sure to always select the full month’s dates on the Statistics page. Also, extras (such as extra beds etc.) should not be set up as room types in Sirvoy as this would generate an incorrect report.


  • Sirvoy supports SCB filing for Hotels, holiday villages, and youth hostels, but not campsites or private cottages and apartments.
  • Room types for internal use are not included in the SCB report.
  • Log in to SCB’s website to upload the CSV file generated from Sirvoy.

Purpose of Stay

The “Purpose of Stay” feature is included in reports to the SCB.

  • “Not set” results in a blank purpose of stay in reports to the SCB.
  • “Other” omits the booking from SCB reports, applicable for uses like asylum accommodation, staff lodging, social services, owner bookings, etc.
  • To collect ‘Purpose of Stay’ data in the Booking Engine, set it as a mandatory field for guests at Settings -> Booking engines -> Adjust default fields. This is recommended for Swedish users, as reporting this information to the SCB is mandatory.