Cybercrime is an ever-present danger for all business sizes. Cybercrime comes in many forms, but it’s most often successful because of human error–82% of all data breaches take advantage of the human element.

Protect yourself and your business from cybercrime:

  • Do not open messages claiming to be from Sirvoy with a domain that isn’t
  • Use a strong, unique password for your Sirvoy account.
    • Use at least 20 characters.
    • Include a mix of uppercase letters (A-Z), lowercase letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and special characters (like !, @, #, $, %).
    • Avoid common words or easily guessable info, like “password”, “admin” or sequential letters/numbers.
    • Avoid including easily obtainable personal info like names or birthdays.
  • Keep your email account secure (it can be used to reset your Sirvoy password)
    • Use a strong, unique password. 
    • Use 2-factor authentication.
  • Don’t install apps or software from unknown sources.
  • Install the latest updates for your computer’s operating system (Windows / Mac OS / ChromeOS / Linux), mobile devices (tablet/smartphone), internet routers, and other smart devices.
  • Remove unused plugins to avoid security vulnerabilities.

What is a Phishing Attack?

Phishing is a term used for fraudulent messages designed to trick the receiver into giving up sensitive information. Phishing attackers typically impersonate a familiar company or individual and are the most common type of internet crime; with more than 323,000 victims in 2021.

If you suspect a phishing attack has compromised your Sirvoy account, contact our support team immediately and we will take action to secure your account.

Recognizing Phishing Attacks

Many such attacks can be identified by the following:

1. Incorrect Sender

All emails originate from domains (the text after the @ symbol in an email address). or are examples of domains.

Attacks won’t come from the same domains as official correspondences.

All legitimate Sirvoy emails originate from, but an attacker may use other domains that appear official. Fraudulent emails might come from a domain like or subtly misspelled domains such as Do not open any messages claiming to be from Sirvoy with a domain that isn’t

2. Urgent Or Suspicious Requests

While rushing we tend to be less careful. Attackers take advantage of this by creating a sense of urgency in their phishing messages. They may claim immediate action is necessary to protect an account or take advantage of a limited-time deal.

While Sirvoy does occasionally send urgent messages, always verify that it came from before acting.

The goal of phishing attacks is to access privileged information, so be especially careful if a message prompts you to log in to Sirvoy or change your account password.

3. Misleading Links or Buttons

Many emails contain links or buttons that lead to a website, but phishing attacks will use these as traps and send you to illegitimate sites. They may say things like, “Verify New Booking” or “Change Your Password.”

Only click buttons or follow links claiming to lead to Sirvoy if you can confirm the emails are actually from Sirvoy. For example, by confirming the domain is 

When in Doubt

To verify the authenticity of an email appearing to be from Sirvoy, contact our support team. They’re ready 24/7, will answer within minutes, and will be able to confirm if an email came from Sirvoy or is an impostor.