Every email address includes a domain following the @ symbol, such as @gmail.com or @Sirvoy.com.

If the email you provided for your account (found under Settings -> Sirvoy account -> Contact details) uses a domain from a major provider like Google or Yahoo, Sirvoy will send your emails to guests from noreply@sirvoy.com.

If you use a custom email domain (like @besthotel.com) in your contact details, Sirvoy can use that email address to message your guests. But first, our system will verify the sender authentication policy for your domain. This check ensures that emails are delivered successfully and prevents impersonation and spoofing.

We’ll check for:

  • Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, & Conformance (DMARC)
  • DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM). 

If the verification is successful, Sirvoy will send emails from your custom domain, and guests will see this address as the source of emails they receive from Sirvoy.


  • Your messages will always be delivered regardless of your domain’s DMARC/DKIM configuration because Sirvoy will use its own email address (such as noreply@sirvoy.com) if needed to guarantee delivery. 

Verification Setups

To use your email domain for sending messages through Sirvoy, ensure it passes verification by setting up DMARC. Depending on your DMARC settings, you might also need to configure DKIM.


  • Contact your webmaster or web host support for help.


  1. Go to your domain’s control panel.
  2. Set up DMARC per preference.
    • Characters before the = symbol must be lowercase.
    • If the DMARC policy is “p=none,” DKIM is not required for sending emails from your address.
    • For “p=quarantine” or “p=reject,” DKIM is required for sending emails from your address.
    • The values for v=, pct=, and rua= can typically remain at their default settings.
  3. In Sirvoy, go to Settings -> Sirvoy account -> Contact details to auto-detect DMARC. 
    • All future emails will use your custom domain after passing the check.

Example DMARC:

v=DMARC1; p=none; pct=100; rua=mailto:dmarc_example@sirvoy.email

DKIM Setup

  1. Request a DKIM key from support@sirvoy.com.
    • Include your Sirvoy Account ID and domain name.
  2. Add the key to your DNS server.
  3. Contact Sirvoy support to enable the DKIM key.


subdomain.yourdomain.com. | CNAME | uXXXXXXX.wlXXX.sendgrid.net

s1._domainkey.yourdomain.com. | CNAME | s1.domainkey.uXXX.wlXXX.sendgrid.net.

s2._domainkey.yourdomain.com. | CNAME | s2.domainkey.uXXX.wlXXX.sendgrid.net.

If any issues persist, contact Sirvoy support.