You can easily create email templates that you can send to your guests manually or automatically. In addition to the default automated booking confirmationbooking request confirmation, and cancellation confirmation emails, which will be sent automatically (even if you do not create your own), you may want to send a “Welcome” email at check-in, an email with “Additional information”, a “Thank you” email after check-out, etc.

We have produced some sample texts that you can use or get inspired by. Feel free to edit the texts to suit you and your business. The examples below use a few placeholder codes (such as “%firstname%” and “%bookinginfo%”) to automatically insert information such as name and booking details. (More placeholders are available on the page where email templates are created.)

Note: Replace [TEXT IN BRACKETS] with appropriate content.

If you decide to use one of the sample texts, simply place them in an email template by going to: Settings -> Communications -> Email templates and click on “Add new template”.

Following are some sample texts:


Pre Check-in – Booking Confirmation

Subject: Thank you for your booking

Dear %firstname% %lastname%

Thank you for choosing [ACCOMMODATION NAME]. It’s a pleasure to confirm the following booking:


We are looking forward to welcoming you to the [ACCOMMODATION NAME].

Warm regards and see you soon.


Pre Check-in – Additional Information

Subject: We Look Forward to Welcoming You!

Dear %firstname% %lastname%

Your %numberofnights% night stay with us on the %checkin% is getting closer and we are looking forward to welcoming you to the [ACCOMMODATION NAME]. As our valued guest, we would love to share some useful information on the exclusive features and amenities that await you, to ensure an unforgettable experience during your stay with us.

What can you expect?


For a faster check-in experience when you arrive we request that you pay the remaining balance of %balancedue% for your stay through our review form [ADD LINK HERE].

Warm regards and see you soon at the [ACCOMMODATION NAME]!


At Check-in – Welcome Email

Subject: Subject: Welcome to the [ACCOMMODATION NAME]!

Dear %firstname% %lastname%

It is our pleasure to welcome you to the [ACCOMMODATION NAME]. We look forward to making your stay a truly memorable experience. Please find some information below that we think will be helpful:


Should you require any assistance, please feel free to contact me directly. We hope you have a very pleasant stay with us.

Warm regards


Post Check-out – Review Email

Subject: Thank You for Choosing to Stay With Us

Dear %firstname% %lastname%

It was a pleasure to have you stay with us and we hope you feel the same. We would love to hear how you enjoyed your time at the [ACCOMMODATION NAME]. Please feel free to leave a brief review on TripAdvisor [ADD LINK HERE]. We look forward to welcoming you again soon!

Warm regards


Post Check-out – Re Visit Email

Subject: Come and Stay With Us Again

Dear %firstname% %lastname%

We loved having you stay with us at [ACCOMMODATION NAME]. Can we tempt you to stay with us again this year?

You can book your stay by following this link [PLEASE ADD LINK TO BOOKING ENGINE].

Warm regards