It is possible to add the booking engine as a small widget on your website, for instance, included in a sidebar. The booking engine automatically adjusts to the available space on the page and will look good even with a width of only 200 pixels. If the widget is very small, you likely want to have the search results presented on another page for your guests to have a better overview of the available rooms and extras.

This article will explain how you redirect your guests to another page after the initial search.

To find the code for embedding the booking engine on your website:

  1. Go to Settings -> Booking engines.
  2. Click the three dots adjacent to the booking engine you want.
  3. In the drop-down list, click “Install.”
  4. Select “Embed on your own website (JavaScript).”

In case you wish to place the engine in e.g. a sidebar and you want to redirect your guests to another page when clicking “Search”, please do the following:

  1. Select “Embed on your own website (JavaScript)”.
  2. Click on “Advanced”.
  3. In the “Customized search results page URL” field, add the landing page you wish your guests to arrive at after the initial search. Note that the booking engine needs to be installed on this page.
  4. The code in the “Copy this code” will then change automatically and now includes your selected target URL.

This code can now be placed where you would like the booking engine to appear. In this way, every time a guest using the booking engine clicks “Search”, he will be redirected automatically.


  • These instructions also work if you install the booking engine with the WordPress plugin.
  • This option is also available for the Review Your Booking form
  • If you don’t want to redirect to a landing page of your own, you can use the “Stand alone page with booking engine and contact details (URL)” (or “Sirvoy Website Builder webpage with your booking engine URL” if you have activated the Sirvoy Website Builder). That URL is found on the above-mentioned “How to install” page.